Klippenstein as LSO Bencher — documents and media articles

Klippenstein as LSO Bencher — documents and media articles

KLIPPENSTEIN v. LAW SOCIETY OF ONTARIO – lawsuit against the LSO for information
Bencher Klippenstein sues for information for his bencher duties:

Read key court documents in Bencher Klippenstein’s lawsuit about the Law Society’s refusal to provide him with internal information for his bencher duties:

• Klippensteins Abridged and Highlighted Affidavit (15 min read time)
• Klippensteins Full Affidavit with Exhibits
• LSO’s Full Affidavit with Exhibits

Klippenstein Briefing Email to all benchers – Feb 8, 2024

“Law Society agrees to disclosure of internal EDI documents in lawsuit brought by Bencher Murray Klippenstein; documents confirm serious problems behind EDI policies”

(February 8, 2024) The Law Society of Ontario has agreed to provide to Law Society bencher and director Murray Klippenstein a large collection of previously undisclosed internal information and documentation regarding its array of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policies and programmes.

LSO discloses internal documents sought in bencher Murray Klippenstein’s lawsui

Bencher sued for documents associated with legal regulator’s equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives

Law Times – 12, Feb 2024

LSO developing policy for bencher information requests amid lawsuit over unreleased information

Bencher Murray Klippenstein brought a claim against the regulator last year

Law Times – 11, Oct 2023

Bencher suing LSO for equity, diversity, and inclusion policy documents moves for summary judgment

Dispute arose largely from a 2013 survey which informed regulator’s EDI policies

Law Times – 25, Apr 2023

Litigation between LSO, bencher continues, issue for ‘Convocation to decide,’ defence claims

“Convocation is the body which has the authority to determine whether to provide the information,” the Statement of Defence clarified.

Law 360 – 9, Sep 2022

Convocation must decide whether to release internal EDI documents requested by bencher: LSO

Bencher suing regulator for information related to equality, diversity, and inclusion initiatives

Law Times – 26, Aug 2022

Bencher sues LSO over ‘very concerning’ issues with statistics, procedures in EDI policy

As a bencher and director of the LSO, is entitled to all of the information in order to discharge his duties as a bencher

Law 360 – 5, Jul 2022

LSO bencher Murray Klippenstein suing the regulator for alleged irregularities in equity initiatives

Klippenstein is demanding access to the inclusion index, challenges report and STRATCOM dataset

Law Times – 29, Jun 2022

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