Pollution Probe’s anti-greenhouse gas hearings

Global warming increases forestfires. Klippensteins has helpedreduce Ontario’s climate-changingCO2 emissions by 21 million tonnes

Global warming increases forest fires. Klippensteins has helped reduce Ontario’s climate-changing CO2 emissions by 21 million tonnes

Klippensteins has represented Pollution Probe at more than a dozen major regulatory hearings at the Ontario Energy Board and over the years has used economic and environmental expert evidence and representations to successfully push for aggressive anti-greenhouse gas measures in Ontario’s natural gas sector.

As a result of the work of Pollution Probe and its expert Jack Gibbons (and one other environmental intervenor), the Energy Board has required the province’s natural gas utilities to implement major Demand Side Management (DSM) programmes which are reducing Ontario’s carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions by more than 21million tonnes (46 billion pounds).


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